NCLEX®Review Services & Nursing School Review Services
Our program is for nursing students that are currently in nursing classes, and for NCLEX® test takers. See why so many students have realized that Nursing Review Academy is the most up-to-date resource for the NCLEX®exam!
Join our FREE 3-Day Webinar
and Master your NCLEX®Journey!

Leanne, Student
"Joi has not only the love of what it takes to help one succeed in any and all nursing school classes, but the skill, the drive, and the push to help you get the grades you want, both smoothly and seamlessly. I had to retake my Math for Meds class this semester after a horrible experience last semester. All I can say is THANK GOD you came into my life, Joi. I couldn't have done it without you. Even with the uncertainty of pandemic and all of the stressful changes that came with it, you were constant solid in making sure I persevered. I look forward to having you guide me through the remainder of my studies and on to that pinning ceremony!! Readily, willing, eagerly and cheerfully, you're stuck with me til the end!...and that doesn't mean the end of my studies either."

Shanelle, Student
"As an LVN Graduate I studied alone for NCLEX and passed on the first try. That wasn’t the case with NCLEX for the RN when I graduated. Upon graduating, I started studying for NCLEX and I failed. I went back to the drawing board and decided to study some more throughout this process. I ran across Joi U. Grant and her information, and decided to give her a call. Due to my test date being 10 days away, I declined to sign up thinking I would be able to pull it off on my own. I failed again. Feeling hopeless and defeated, I decided to give Ms. Joi a call one more time. This time I signed up for camp. With her camp, I learned how to transition my critical thinking from LVN to RN status, I learned how to tackle SATA questions, I learned how to be confident within myself and the answers that I choose. Ms Joi’s camp helped me to better understand what was being asked of me on NCLEX as well as content such as arterial blood gases, understanding alkalosis and acidosis, just to name a few. Overall, Ms Joi’s Camp was just what i needed to get me over my hump of defeat and on to the path of victory as well as an RN. This is my testimony. I promise you that if you are tired of failing but still have will to fight for your degree, join this boot camp."

Kim, LPN
"I am extremely happy I invested my time and money into Joi Grant & Associates, Inc. NCLEX Bootcamp Review. It was recommended by Ms. Grant herself, after I told her I failed the exam 3x prior. From the introduction of her platform to the end, it was focused on content and confidence building. The reason I had failed the exam previously was mostly due to anxiety. I tend to be very hard on myself, and placed a lot of pressure going into those exams.
Joi and her team are very thorough, and will simplify the information to a level of comprehension where it’s retainable. An investment into this service is an investment in yourself for a better future!"
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